
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Monday, August 25, 2014

prescription diet with soy milk

prescription diet with soy milk., you know the benefits of soy milk? besides containing phytoestrogens, soy milk, too, can be drunk by anyone, not become fat. soy bean milk is milk that is not in doubt, nutrient level, and very good for women.

many people who can not drink cow's milk, for various reasons, such as allergies, lactose intolerance, or because of economic factors. nutritional value of soy milk do not
is cow's milk.
Soy milk is highly nutritious beverage which was initially developed in China. for those of you who like dieting, it's better to drink soy milk, because it will not cause obesity. Soy milk is also very low fat content, compared with cow's milk. Fat in soy milk can not cause obesity because most are in the form of unsaturated fatty acids.

soy carbohydrate in milk is 12-14 per cent which can be used as biological body. consisting of oligosaccharides and polysakarida group, composed of oligosaccharide raffinosa stakiosa and soluble in water, whereas erabinogalaktan group consisting of polysaccharides and cellulosic materials which are insoluble in water, and can not be digested.

vitamin content in soy milk are: vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E and vitamin K.
start from now, living a healthy drink soy milk.

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Muhiyana (Ian)

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